What’s Covered?

Our plans are customized to your members needs and are available to all eligible participants and their dependents. Your plan may include some or all of the below.


  • Personal Bankruptcy

  • Debt consolidation / Restructuring

  • Mortgage modification

  • Mortgage foreclosure defense

  • Consumer Litigation

  • Garnishment Actions




& Real

  • Sales or Purchase of primary

  • Landlord / tenant dispute

  • Preparation & Review of Contracts of Sale

  • Preparation or Review of Leases

  • Preparations of Deeds, including Life Estate Deeds, Purchase of Ground Rents

  • Buyers & Seller Disputes

  • Property Line Disputes

  • Property Tax Assessments

Estate Planning + Admin

  • Wills

  • Powers of Attorney

  • Advance Medical Directives

  • Life Estate Deeds

  • Trusts

  • Medicaid Planning

  • VA Planning

Family & Personal

  • Adoption

  • Child Custody and Visitation

  • Child Support

  • Divorce

  • Domestic Violence / Protective Orders

  • Guardianships

  • Peace Orders

  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

  • Name Changes

  • Separation Agreements

Civil, Criminal & Traffic

  • Civil & Criminal Litigation Defense

  • Disputes Over Consumer Goods & Services

  • Personal Injury And Property Damage

  • Small Claims Assistance

  • Administrative Hearings

  • Incompetency Defense

  • Repossession

  • Defense of Traffic Tickets

  • Motor Vehicle Violations

  • Driving Privileges Restoration

  • License Suspension Due to DUI

Contingent Matters

Keep more of your money
with our low fee.

  • Personal Injury

  • Property Damage

  • Car Accidents

  • Workplace Injuries

  • Medical Malpractice

  • Employment Discrimination

  • Consumer Fraud

  • Civil Rights Violations

  • Wrongful Death Claims

  • Business Disputes

All Plans Come With The Following

24/7 Hotline

Unlimited Advice & Consultation

Legal Document Review

Notary Service

Preparation of Simple Documents


Local Representation

Bail Bondsman Referral

An Akman & Associates group legal plan provides much needed access to quality, affordable legal representation. Members benefit from representation at a fraction of the cost they would otherwise pay with outside counsel.

Employers get the benefit of offering robust and competitive benefits packages to improve recruiting and retention. 


Schedule a call today to find out
how we can protect your members.